Worm Gear KWS12.5 SR
Heavy duty series wound motor delivers superior torque output and faster line speed.
Automatic,double cone brake.
3 stage planetary gearbox delivers the most reliable and durable performance of winch under the worst condition.
Installation ,operation and maintenance with ease.
Product Detail​
Rated line pull: 12,500 lbs (5670 kgs)
Motor: DC 12V/6.2HP DC 24V/3.2HP
Gearing: Worm Gear
Gear Ratio: 424:1
Wire Rope Size Φ3/8"×90"(Φ9.5mm×27M)
Synthetic Rope Size: Φ11/28"×90"(Φ10mm×27M)
Drum Size: Φ3.5"×9"(Φ89mm×229M)
Line Pull​
Layer of Wire Rope Max Line Pull
Line Speed and AMP Draw (1st layer of rope on the drum)
Load Line Speed AMP Draw(12V) AMP Draw(24V)
No Load 6.3MPM/20.4FPM 75 45
6,000lbs/2,722kgs 2.8MPM/9FPM 185 90
8,000lbs/3,630kgs 1.8MPM/5.8FPM 270 145
10,000lbs/4,536kgs 1.4MPM/4.6FPM 305 155
125,000lbs/5,670kgs 1MPM/3.3FPM 355 188